I want to have a home.............
I want to have a home where God is first, where we will have His rule over our lives completely, where we love Him & obey Him because He first loved us. An island of peace in a world of turmoil, with hearts of praise and thanksgiving. A place where satan has no foothold (no spirit of accusation, blaming each other, no hypocrisy, condemnation,etc). But where there is love from sincere hearts that are cleansed by the blood of Jesus. Where the husband and wife are humble, fearing God and see their need for the presence of God always and their need for each other. In a home, I feel that the man is not superior (though he is the head of the home), neither is the woman, but both of them are equally important. Most important of all is that the husband and wife are united, if they are not, satan will make his way through the gap and will ruin their marriage. For this there must be absolute honesty from each other and they must accept each other as they are with their shortcomings and mistakes. I've seen many husbands trying to change their wives by preaching to them from the bible, to make them become like themselves. I used to do that to other young people, which gradually brought a distance between us, as it has done to many married couples. I've learnt that the right way to do is to be an example first and then to speak about the word that has become flesh in me, and to speak with grace, humility and love. It makes a world of difference. I want a home basically so that others can see that God dwells in our home, where the needy can come and bask in the love of God which we husband and wife show. Where young believers, and those battered by satan, and those who have lost hope can come and refresh and regain new strength through fellowship with us. A home where never is heard a discouraging word.( I know in my own life when I was far away from God and irregular to church, it was not the preaching but the love of the brothers and sisters that brought me back to the church). A place where we will be very, very hospitable to the servants of God. I have experienced great hospitality every where I went as an ambassador of Jesus Christ.
To raise up children who will be witness for God, who will grow up to be whole hearted disciples of Jesus. A place where there is no partiality shown to the children and all of them are treated equally. Where we respect everyone irrespective of who they are and treat every person as more important than myself. My best example of a godly couple(from the bible) is Aquila and Priscilla, I want a home like theirs, to be a couple like them.
To live a life that I've mentioned above, I cannot live by myself, I know it because I've tried and have been a utter failure, but I can live it through the power of GOD's Holy Spirit. I am a very selfish and selfcentered person, but through the grace of God I want to, I believe I will be free and be filled with sincere love for God instead. I want to remain humble, broken and full of faith. Never afraid of human opinions (because if you seek to please men you cannot please the Father in heaven), and to have a great longing to obey God in all areas that I know.
In order to build such a home I need a wife who is first of all a Bornagain believer- "do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers".
God fearing, reverence God and His word and who has a passionate desire to obey his word. Honest – "you deserve honesty from the heart; yes, utter sincerity and truthfulness" Ps 51:6 "The Lord searches all hearts and examines deepest motives so he can give to each person his right reward, according to his deeds- how he has lived" Jer 17: 10
Obedience – "Has the Lord as much delight in burnt offerings and sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold to obey is better than sacrifice, and to heed than the fat of rams"1 Sam 15: 22 . The first test for man was a test for obedience to the voice of God and the only commandment for children is to obey their parents. This shows that obedience is very important.
Humility- " I dwell on a high and lofty place and also with the contrite and lowly of spirit, in order to revive the spirit of the lowly and to revive the heart of the contrite" Isaiah 57: 15
Fellowship – " But if we are living in the light of God's presence,just as Christ is, then we have wonderful fellowship and joy with each other, and the blood of Jesus His son cleanses us from sin" 1 John 1: 7
Patience, perseverance & endurance – "for when your patience is finally in full bloom then you will be ready for anything, strong in character, full and complete" James 1: 4 " It is best to listen much, speak little, and not become angry" James 1: 19 O, how few are those who have an ear to listen to the problems and agonies of others and speak a word of encouragement to them, rather than advising them based on the story they heard from somebody. There are many other things which I had thought of, but which I am not able to remember now while I am writing. These are some of the essential things, which I myself have pursued and am pursuing andbelieve that each one of us is also doing so. A person may speak many things but their actions are the proof, Jesus said that we can judge a person by his fruits.